Like any other work environment, call centers can either become a place of joy or the proverbial dungeon – that place to which we must go to serve out our time. If you find yourself dreading work each day, it’s time to take action. Some simple changes can make the workplace enjoyable for you and your colleagues - AND lead to increases in performance that will impress your managers.
Without trying to offer an exhaustive list of remedies, our experts focused first on facilities, food and environmental issues. Here are some of the suggestions they offered on how to make your center a happier and more productive place.
Issues touching on the global environment are increasingly important to agents, especially millennials. They will feel prouder to work for companies that are sensitive to these issues. Consider the following:
Studies also showed that many agents are happiest when in a setting that they can control. Thus “at home” agents become another viable option for consideration when trying to increase productivity, reduce facility costs, and develop agent loyalty.
Finally, the importance of interpersonal relationships should always be remembered. As an agent, if you are greeted by name by your superiors with a big smile as you enter work each day, and feel appropriately appreciated while you are there, your attitude and approach will make a positive difference everyone can feel.
Tip of the day: The investments you make in your people (including their work environment) are your most important investments - and will provide you with positive Return on Investment. .
CallTalk is a monthly internet radio program featuring the most innovative managers and thought leaders in the customer contact field, interviewed by BenchmarkPortal CEO, Bruce Belfiore. “Caramels” distills key moments from these interviews into practical, bite-sized nuggets to inform and assist you as a contact center professional.