Leading centers can meet these changing demands by (1) understanding the growing impact of social media upon business and how social media operates, (2) establish a presence on social media sites and encourage feedback about the company, its products, and services, (3) invest in speech and text analytics technologies that can scan social media sites, emails, and text messages to the company, to collect business intelligence (BI), evaluate and report on red-flag issues that can be followed-up by people, and (4), adjust labor management to meet the needs of fluctuating queues, not just shifts.
Voice and non-voice channel management and Workforce Optimization need to be integrated with the other processes of the center; this allows for proper forecasting and planning.
Finally, acquire technologies that not only surface problems, but surface solutions as well. Better WFM technologies can treat multiple centers as one virtual global entity and also give you drill down BI capacity for each individual center.
CallTalk™ Caramels: Sweet Snippets from BenchmarkPortal’s Best CallTalk Episodes
This CallTalk Caramel was compiled and edited by Bruce Belfiore and Kamal Webb. It was drawn from a CallTalk episode with industry expert Bill Durr entitled “Workforce Management Optimization Analytics Demystified, Part II.” We welcome your questions and comments at BruceBelfiore@BenchmarkPortal.com.