Whereas the purpose and benefits of benchmarking are commonly understood, most managers become more concerned about frequency: “How often do I need to benchmark?” This question surfaces due to the time, effort and resources required when conducting a benchmarking initiative. However, following some simple guidelines make it easy to benchmark at least every six months.
Following these simple guidelines will empower you to manage your center efficiently and effectively by pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in the operation of your center. Your team then explores those weaknesses and their underlying causes, and develops appropriate improvement initiatives leading to attractive ROIs for the organization, as well as fostering better customer satisfaction.
Balancing efficiency and effectiveness through balanced-scorecard benchmarking is essential to good contact center management.
Tip of the Week: Conduct “before and after” benchmarks whenever your center undergoes changes: implementing new technologies, changing premises, changing hiring and training programs, etc. Then calculate the value of improvements in your metrics and show the savings that result from your initiatives.
CallTalk™ Caramels: Sweet Snippets from BenchmarkPortal’s Best CallTalk Episodes
This CallTalk Caramel was compiled and edited by Bruce Belfiore and Kamál Webb. It was drawn from a CallTalk episode with John Chatterley, entitled “Benchmarking Made Easy: How Your Metrics Can Be Leveraged For Optimum Results”. Click below to play: