Air Date: Monday, March 29, 2021 - 10:00AM/PT
Host: Bruce Belfiore | CEO & Senior Research Analyst | BenchmarkPortal
Guest Speaker: Brigham Tomco | CEO and Cofounder | NTI
Season: 12 | Episode Number: 3
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Guest: Brigham Tomco | Emmersion
With experience living and working in several countries around the world, Brigham has an extensive background in language learning and international business. He has played a founding role in over 10 companies in various industries, including a BPO based in the Philippines and 500-seat market research contact center. In addition to this role as CEO of Emmersion, he also serves as chairman for Zylun Global, a private equity-backed investment holding company he founded, and sits on the boards of multiple universities, state agencies, and private companies. Brigham earned his JD/MBA from the Marriott School of Business at BYU. He later returned to his alma mater as an adjunct professor of Financing New Ventures.
CallTalk Host: Bruce Belfiore | BenchmarkPortal
Bruce Belfiore is a frequent speaker at industry events in the United States and abroad. Bruce is Chancellor of the College of Call Center Excellence, which provides certificated courses to call center professionals, and has taught the course “Call Center Management” at Purdue University. He is the author of the book Benchmarking At Its Best for Contact Centers and has written numerous research papers and best practices studies focused on contact center topics. He is a consultant to call centers in a wide variety of industries seeking to improve their results, and is noted for helping to calculate the financial impact of proposed changes. Bruce holds Bachelors, JD and MBA degrees from Harvard University.