Air Date: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021 - 10:00AM/PT
Host: Bruce Belfiore | CEO & Senior Research Analyst | BenchmarkPortal
Guest Speaker: Robert Kobek | CustomerCount
Season: 12 | Episode Number: 8
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Guest: Robert Kobek | CustomerCount
Prior to forming Mobius Vendor Partners in October of 1999, Mr. Kobek spent more than 30 years in the direct marketing industry and government. Specializing in the design, implementation and marketing of products and services, Bob has designed more than 150 outbound telemarketing, inbound customer service and order processing operations and interactive information systems. In 2007 Bob and Mobius launched CustomerCount℠, a cloud-based survey solution providing intuitive real-time reporting, designed for the contacy center industry. Mr. Kobek is a member of the American Resort Development Association and sits on numerous committees. He is a board member of PACE and serves as the chair of the Government Affairs committee. He attended Holy Cross College at Notre Dame, Indiana and Indiana University.
CallTalk Host: Bruce Belfiore | BenchmarkPortal
Bruce Belfiore is a frequent speaker at industry events in the United States and abroad. Bruce is Chancellor of the College of Call Center Excellence, which provides certificated courses to call center professionals, and has taught the course “Call Center Management” at Purdue University. He is the author of the book Benchmarking At Its Best for Contact Centers and has written numerous research papers and best practices studies focused on contact center topics. He is a consultant to call centers in a wide variety of industries seeking to improve their results, and is noted for helping to calculate the financial impact of proposed changes. Bruce holds Bachelors, JD and MBA degrees from Harvard University.