Nowadays you hear a lot of companies who are doing ‘something’ with Automation (RPA) or Artificial Intelligence (AI), however, what is the real story behind it, is it truly as easy as the vendors pitch it or does it require effort?
Air Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 10:00AM PT / 1:00PM ET
Host: Bruce Belfiore, CEO & Senior Research Analyst, BenchmarkPortal
Guest Speaker: Martijn Zuiderbaan, Chief Commercial Officer of PAteam
Season: 9, Episode Number: 9
*NOTE: This recording has some "feedback" for the first 40 seconds only, due to a technical glitch. The rest of the recording is fine. Thank you for your understanding.
Martijn Zuiderbaan
Martijn Zuiderbann is a pioneer in the field of RPA, one of the first people doing automation/robotics for IKEA Netherlands. He was then promoted to IKEA global, where he helped roll out automation and AI best practices to the rest of the group and to other departments. Having experienced all the challenges coming with implementing and scaling robotics from start to enterprise scale, Martijn has a practical and realistic view on robotics while being able to deep dive into technical details, circumventing common pitfalls. Martijn is now working with PAteam, a company that helps customers through their end-to-end automation journey.

CallTalk Host
Bruce Belfiore is a frequent speaker at industry events in the United States and abroad. Bruce is Chancellor of the College of Call Center Excellence, which provides certificated courses to call center professionals, and has taught the course “Call Center Management” at Purdue University. He is the author of the book Benchmarking At Its Best for Contact Centers and has written numerous research papers and best practices studies focused on contact center topics. He is a consultant to call centers in a wide variety of industries seeking to improve their results, and is noted for helping to calculate the financial impact of proposed changes. Bruce holds Bachelors, JD and MBA degrees from Harvard University.

CallTalk is a monthly internet radio program for the customer service industry featuring the most innovative managers and thought leaders in the customer contact field, interviewed by BenchmarkPortal CEO, Bruce Belfiore. Broadcast monthly, directly over the Internet to your desktop, CallTalk covers hot topics that impact today's call center. CallTalk airs without the participation of vendors so that topics will be free from their influence and guided by the needs of its listeners. If you have a topic you would like us to cover, send it to